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CTA A Meet 2
26th Aug 2023
The CTA A Meet 2 is scheduled for 26 August 2023 – Generations Aquatics Centre, 25m indoor swimming pool.
Please take note of the following important information:
CTA A Meet 2
- Info: CTA A MEET info
- Swimmers that are fully registered and with LEVEL 3+ qualifying times and swimmers 16 years & older with LEVEL 2+ qualifying times are eligible to participate.
- Swimmers that do not yet have a LEVEL 3 qualifying time are NOT eligible to participate, unless they are 16 years or older and have LEVEL 2+ qualifying times.
Entries and fees due date: 09h00 on Wednesday 9 August 2023
Entries are closed.
ENTRY FEES: R30 per event and R55 surcharge per swimmer (CTA clubs) and R110 surcharge per swimmer (out-of-district clubs)
- entry fees payable to swimmer’s club
- clubs will be invoiced by the district
SESSION REPORT – session report cta a meet 2
ENTRIES REPORT – team entries cta a
RESULTS – cta a meet 2 results